Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Chickens. . .Sure You Don't Want to Cut Back Or Eliminate?

Not just for the sake of the chicken, but for YOU!

Yeah, I still eat chicken.  I mentioned that in other posts, me thinks.  Not too often.  Mostly when I go to the Sikh restaurant down the street a couple of times a month.  They're halal.  Wish they were jhatka, but at least they weren't factory farmed. I buy Crider for the cats, and I share Trader Joe's with the cats.    I've been taking it on faith Trader Joe's has humanely raised chicken.  I tried to find out on-line, but no go.  They do have a good reputation, but that's a cop out, I will admit.  I do encourage others to be less of a bastard than I and actively seek more humanely raised chickens.

So I'm a 'eat less than average', as opposed to 'eat none', and I have no excuse other than lack of willpower.  If we had a good cook, we could go vegetarian, but like that's out of the question for a lower middle class set, huh?