Tuesday, May 29, 2012

If Violent Crime Rate Is At 40-Year Low, Why Is U.S. Spending S100 Billion A Year On Police?


I'll answer the question.  BECAUSE THE PRIMARY FUNCTION OF THE COPS IS TO BE REVENUE COLLECTORS TO COMPENSATE FOR FALLING TAX REVENUE.  Have we also noticed that law enforcement is the biggest law breaker?  Look at all the gratuitous violence at the Occupy Movements, and THEY FUCKING DISABLE PEOPLE!!!!!!  They are also there to try and keep the status quo going for as long as possible.  For that, a price will be paid when that status quo is no more.  But a lot of them can't see that worth a damn.  Ya know dat rivah in Egypt?  Da Nile?

Well, whatever.  I can see what's coming, and I'm gonna enjoy every second of it down to gettin' my head blown off; if I go out that way.

Hey!  At least it's fast and makes a big mess.  Nice dramatic exit, ya know?