Monday, May 28, 2012

What Does The World REALLY Think Of Crotch Droppings

Everybody pretends to care about children... especially when it facilitates regime change abroad and union busting at home

Collectively, I don't think people like them as much as they say they do.  They may dislike them immensely, but are afraid to tell the truth for fear of seeming politically incorrect; and having all the other hypocrites who also can't stand the infernal little parasites (unless you can sell them to a Pakistani carpet factory, or trade them in for a bicycle like the wonderful Phoolan Devi, or get a good by the pound/kilogramme price at the butcher shop, or. . .the list goes on. . .) come down on them.

Well, I admit it again for the umpteen time.  I can't stand the little buggers, and don't want them within a parsec of me, not that I have a choice.  And if society did like children as much as they say, why are they being treated so bad.  In the u.s., they don't stand a chance unless they are born to the very wealthy.  First thing they do to the wee shites is pump 'em full of toxic vaccines that will compromise them until the day they die.  Later they put them into indoctrination centres called schools so to drive all free thinking and real intelligence out of them in order to make them into good, acquisitive consumerist slaves who question nothing.  Why have the worthless creatures anyway if they're not going to stand a chance in Hell of fulfilling their full potential due to government intervention.  Or if you do have one, don't tell anyone you had it, and home school it.  Otherwise, is it worth the expense to just give the world more cannon fodder, and worker slave, not to mention what the little environmental and personal liability does for your own freedom and finances.

But if you are so clueless, I guess you deserve the consequences.  These days, I wonder how many of the little bastiches are gonna live to breeding age, anyway.