Friday, February 10, 2012


When I was a wee little parasite, I remember the first house I lived in.  Two storey, attic, and basement.  Nice.  Large wooded back yard with a path to a fence.  On the other side of the fence, was a large farm.  I sometimes waved to the farmer, and he waved back.  Had a swing for me, though I wouldn't know how to use it until after we moved.  There were black and red currents, and gooseberries.  There was a cherry tree out front, but those cherries could not be eaten.  There were lots of trees, though I can't remember how many fruit trees.  Then we moved to an apartment, 'cause omi and oma were too old to take care of the house.  Anyway, paradise was wrecked when they rented the downstairs to some psycho bitch and her worthless brat.

The apartment was OK, but my caretakers forced me to play with a sadistic shit who used to beat me up that lived next door.  Helga.  I heard she had 2 crotch droppings, and that's revenge enough.

Then off across the pond, to the states.  First house was typical for the area, and we had lots of land.  It was divided up by shrubbery, and there were three sections.  Two had lots of raspberries and blackberries, and the part by the house had fruit trees. The next house had a forest in back, and that was nice.  There were more fruit trees and bramble berries in the part that was technically ours.  Directly behind our property was a dirt road, completely shaded by trees.  Beyond that, unlimited woods.  I used to have an excellent sense of direction that I lost when I was 15.  We lived in a mountain range on high ground.  The crest, so I could hike down the mountain, and there was a stream.  It had small fish in it.  When I was young and stupid, I drank from it, but never got sick.  I also walked in it.  It wasn't very deep.  It was a nice escape from the psycho, abusive family.  Walks in the woods were paradise.  I got to do long solitary walks in the woods on North Carolina and the vast olives groves in Montenegro, too.  And a few neat long walks up a mountain to a ancient cemetery where someone kept sheep in the fenced off part of it.  Some of the stones were so old, the engravings were worn away, along with parts of the stones.

I used to hunt for unicorns, flying horses, and centaurs.  I never found any, but I had my fun pretending to be a trail blazer.  I always loved those words as a young crotch dropping.  'Trail blazer'.  I wanted to be another Kit Carson or something, but of course the time was wrong for that in New Jersey.  In the winter, I built snow sphinxes.  I was interested in Egypt and Greece at a young age because the teacher read us myths in school.

The woods were paradise.  I miss them.  That's about all I miss from young crotchdroppinghood.  When I was alone, life was great.  When I was home, I was in prison.  The worthless breeder cow that was my incubator may as well have been Nurse Ratchet or Lizardbreath Bathory, the fucking cunt.  Haven't communicated with the bitch for about 30 years, but the shitser still lives in my head.  I have so much fun being a hater, though; that I think I'll let her stay a while longer.

Though I must admit, in one way she did me a favour that can't be matched, though the drain of a crap thing I used to married to had to finish the job.  Together, they made me remember. . .remember. . .something beyond precious. . .that drove me to unbelievable personal glories in the weirdest ways, via the worst possible way.

I really wonder if it was worth it, though.  It's all gone now, anyway.  All that's left is memories.

I'm a has-been and I am not coming back.  There's nothing left to fight for.  Why bother when I don't even think I'll see the end of the year, not to mention this place isn't worth giving a piss for.  It's a garbage realm, and I'm not doing shit for it anymore.

How many have had the chance to walk alone for hours in places where one would meet no one else?  Places with trees and streams, and fruit just for the taking?!  How many remember a less crowed world, where you were a Hell of a lot freer than you are now?

Is this world worth living in as it is?  I sure don't think so.  I think it's more a crime now to have a crotch dropping than ever before.  In fact, I think it's the absolute worst thing to do, to condemn someone to be trapped in this place until they are either killed or commit suicide.

If you don't think so, go here and check out all the sites listed on the left: 

This about covers everything, and the ONLY things worth reading.  Again, you sure ain't gonna get real news from the mainstream media.  Just worthless propaganda.