Wednesday, February 15, 2012

If Everyone Lived Like This, The World Would Be Paradise

Basically, it's live and let live, AND DO NO IMPOSE YOUR WILL ON ANOTHER!!!!

Or my own version is "Exploit not, an be not exploited to the best of your ability in the vile realm, where exploitation is mandatory."  Hey, we're not self contained here, so we are a bunch of parasites.  We exploit the plants and animals we eat.  Unless we all wanna become Jains.

Not that that's a bad idea.  We'd probably die out if we did.  This would be good for the planet.

Nice to have respect for the plants and animals, and take only what you need. Then the world wouldn't be out of balance, but can we do this?  NOOOOOOO!   Can't have THAT!  Gotta destroy every thing we TOUCH!

The collective human race is beyond repulsive.  This blog complains about the 'collective' human race, of course.  There are obviously exceptions, and they're OK by me, as long as they don't keep me awake when I don't wanna be.

Or considering the fact we are really 'awake' when in the dreamscape, and asleep when we're conscious, I don't like being pulled out of the Otherworld when I don't have to be by inconsiderate bastards, all riiiiiiiiiiiiight?