Monday, August 26, 2013

US Air Force Can’t Find People Who Want To Pilot Drones


I wouldn't take the job no matter how much it paid.  I didn't apply for tsa, I won't work for banks or insurance companies either.  Yes, I did once apply to Kraft, but like HELL I'd EAT their GARBAGE.  I wasn't hired, but oh well.  The gods decided I didn't need them, I suppose.

That was a long time ago, so they were obviously right.

And this is one of those things. . .the powers that think they are only have the power we give them.  If everyone just quits feeding them, they won't last.  And it can be done peacefully, like with BOYCOTTS!  DON'T GIVE MONSANTO, KFC, MCDONALD'S, FACTORY FARMED ANYTHING YOUR MONEY!

The list is a mile long in reality, but come on!  I have different things I wanna do other than name every vile company on the planet.  And you can also like MOVE YOUR MONEY FROM BANK TO CREDIT UNION!