Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Crotch Droppings Of Falluja


Of course I wanna know why bother having the damn things in the first place, but hey.  How many will survive to age 2?

Man, why would anyone CHOOSE to be born into a defective body like that?  Just to inconvenience everyone?  A Karma thang, I guess.   Then again, in Sparta; I would have been killed for my flaws.  On the other hand, maybe I wouldn't have developed them?  After all, I was born with 20/20 vision.  It went down hill after my breeder cow incubator forced me to try and learn how to read before I was taught in school, and I didn't even have a firm grip on English yet.  I hear too much close up viewing at too young an age can contribute to myopia.

Of course reading ended up being one of my favourite activities.  My vision also totally sucks.  I'm legally blind sans glasses.  What's funny is now I have to take my glasses off to read hard cover books, but I need them for everything else.