Monday, May 20, 2013

NOW FOR SOME GOOD NEWS: About That Overpopulation Problem

Thank the gods for that GMO corn?  So it's good for sumthin' after all.

If only that would happen faster locally.  I mean 1/4 of our businesses stand empty, houses are being boarded up, but traffic is still a nightmare, I hear sirens at least every half hour, the crotch droppings in the complex are always driving me nuts and it seems our idiot landlord is moving more in as the more intelligent tenants leave, so. . .  I am so sick of living in this sardine can, but I'm stuck.  On the other hand, I've also known different.  I have lived in places where I got to walk for miles in the forest in my back yard, or I could climb up a lonely mountain road just a kilometre down the hill, and when I was a wee food product of 11-12, I've stayed for three months where there was a large three tier pasture of the family's just across the dirt road on top of the hill, and most houses had courtyards, including that of my extended family, and the ruins of a castle over the Adriatic, and long trails that went on forever through tiered olive groves when the blackberries and raspberries were in season, and all kinds of other things I had no appreciation for at the time, but now relish in memory.  I even had a donkey for a few weeks that they got rid of after he almost killed me due to my own stupidity, but oh well.  Also, in that three months, I learned enough of the local language to get along.

Man, I sure miss the ancient cemetery on the mountain.  The inscriptions on the older stones were so worn, you couldn't read them anymore.  Somebody kept sheep in the fenced off part.  It was so quite, and so pretty, not to mention the view was awesome.  It was another world.  It took a lot of effort to get there, not that this bothered me at the time.  I was pretty hyper until my early 40s.  Then I settled down and got fat.