Friday, December 9, 2011

Rosenthal Was Killed For Giving This Interview


It explains the Khazar way and motives, and in part why it is so.  I will not say the Jewish way.  I don't know enough about the Mizrahi or the Sephardic, but I do know the Non-Semitic Ashkenazi have the highest status in Israel, and are the biggest troublemakers.

Though I also place blame on Rome for where we're at.  Perhaps more so.  The first nation I'd like to see get the neutron bomb is Vatican City.  I admit I haven't done the research, but I wouldn't be surprised if that artificial country of Israel is ruled by Vatican City.  I also wouldn't put every Jew in the same category as Harold Rosenthal does.  And they don't have a monopoly on the 'way'.