Friday, December 7, 2012

Slaughterhouses...Where Racehorses Retire

Original link with video:

Well, if  we didn't send them to Japan, we'd kill them here.  Just another animal to exploit.  And western so called civilisation owes EVERYTHING to the horse.  Where would it  be without them?  Well, the Aztecs would have been a little more difficult to conquer.  If they could have been conquered at all.

Too bad.  Can't have missionary on the menu now.  Not legally, anyway.  Mormons are the best.  With their dietary restrictions, you don't have to detox them.

I've NEVER been to a horse race in my life.  As seen from previous posts (Cavalia is one), they are AWESOME animals when treated right.  I've seen some incredible displays of intelligence from them in person, too.  They deserve way better than they get from people.