Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Control FACTS By Paul Harvey

Truth be told.  No, I don't have a gun.  I have nothing worth defending.

I already won the game, and I'm now basking in my former glory.  Nothing more vested, like I said before.  I am FINISHED.

I also have something else that I can't write about which is far more precious than anything, that cannot be taken away.  (MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)

Add on edit.  And from what Paul Harvey writes, it seems I'm not the only one with my low opinion on those time and resource wasting crotch droppings.  Come on!  What practical application do they have in urban society, where all they are is a distraction and an expense that a lot can't even afford?  If people REALLY liked their sprog, wouldn't society be more functional?  And would we be having as many abortions as we do, not that I'm against those; being a Georgia Guidestone fan, and liking lots of room, and little noise; unless it's natural like birds, crickets, other critters, wind, water. . .  I hate traffic noise, airship noise, trains, other peoples conversations, and a baby screaming is like fingernail down chalkboard to me.

The First Nations people REALLY valued theirs, and their societies worked a HELL of a lot better than the European flotsam; where the progeny was considered just another cog in the economic wheel, but of course the invaders had to kill them off.