Monday, December 17, 2012

Children First, Who's Next?----Kirwan Article On Sandy Hook

Today's government set-up.  Today's 9/11.  So many stories, all conflicting.  What's true?  Who knows, other than the fact it is another government attempt to disarm the citizens, and ya can tell 'em I said that!

I don't think I'll be posting too much on this anymore, if at all.  Most of it is garbage, just as Jim Kirwin says.

All I can say is the official story is the LAST on to believe.

I also most admit I'm pretty neutral over this all.  Did it even happen, not to mention I'd rather have a herd of pet bed bugs for LIFE rather than spend 10 seconds with a 5 or 6 year old.  The bed bugs are less inconvenient and easier to deal with.  Trust me.  I've spent time with both.  The bugs are also easier to get rid of without being incarcerated for it.

I mean until you can legally cook. . .oh, never mind.