Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Falun Gong Practitioners Hit in San Francisco Chinatown

Why do they consider this religion such a threat?

I haven't researched it, but they must be too close to being right.  Aren't they ideally supposed to be vegetarian?  Kind of Cathar?  Then again, we know what the political system known as the catholic church did to them.  Another case of same story, different day?

Not really sure.   Again, I haven't researched it, and am simply looking at the news stories I've read.  I suppose that makes me unqualifried to comment, but from what little I know;  I still wish the members of Falon Gong well.   They seem a lot less destructive than a lot of other 'cults' in existence.

Add on edit.  Eliminate attachment, jealousy, be peaceful. . .

Yeah, it is a threat.  It's how life is supposed to be, and it's a threat to the economy and status quo.  Just like the Cathars.  I wonder how much crap the Essenes faced, or what the Jains face today?