Tuesday, June 26, 2012

5 Broken Cameras


Imagine living like this.  Imagine having every convenience ripped from you, and someone else perpetually trying to make you as miserable as possible,

Hmmmmmm.  Sounds like the u.s. government, but we're not as bad off. . .yet.  Same for the u.k., huh?  The e.u.????????????  And every county they have their talons in are a killing field, so. . .

No, I couldn't stand living in that culture, but they wouldn't want to live here either, so. . .

I think they have the right to live the way they want, and the right to be left alone.  They've been there forever, and the invaders are breaking every higher law in the book.  Thank you, u.k., u.n., and all you other idiots who should have left Judea as it was.