Monday, June 25, 2012

5 Facts That Prove Radical Islam Is A Child of American-British-Israeli Intelligence

Well, what do ya know?  By the way, life for chicks in Afghanistan was better for chicks before u.s interference.  And Wasabi-ism, I mean Wahabi-ism ain't what Mohammed had in mind for Islam.  I know the religion doesn't work for me, but some people seem to need to be told what to do.  Then again, as I said before; religion ain't my bag.  Great for study, not for practise, though some are better than others.  I do agree with a lot of the Cathar way (I call myself a nondenominational Pagan-Cathar-Pastafarian who also belongs to The Church of Euthanasia.  I have my own brand of spirituality that follows nothing, and make fun of the concept of religion as I do it, as you may note.), the Jains, the Essenes, the Sikhs, the Wiccans, and the Quakers.  Anton LaVey's little cult was pretty cool, if you really read it; but I wouldn't really call that a religion.