Monday, June 18, 2012

Eugenics – Toxic Meat Glue Of The Elite Agenda

I repeat that I am a Georgia Guide Stone fan, but I believe in cutting birthrates, not killing or disabling those that are already here.  Ted Turner promotes the same views.  We HAVE done a lot of damage to the planet.  That's the fault of the industrialised nations.

No what to do with those so damaged by the system?  In fact, why breed if you can't get around vaccinating them, sending them to the vile indoctrination centres, or feeding them toxic food stuffs?  The will be doomed.

Hmmmmmmmmm.  I dream of long piglet rotisserie with white cobbed corn.  Non-GMO, of course.

Didn't they write a song about that?

No, that was Jeanie with the light brown hair.  Close enough.