Tuesday, June 18, 2013

New Orleans Area In The Summer Without Air Conditioning


I think we're gonna lose a few.  This is the third Louisianer 'splosion in a very short period of time, and it's like everything is going up in flames EXCEPT the sinkhole.  And 'bout dem dar explosions, it makes ya wonder!

I mean, this heah is one o' dem dar headlines from today:

Major gas pipeline explodes in Louisiana — Mushroom cloud reported, residents evacuated — 3rd blast in 5 days for state

Ya want da link?  Oh, all riiiiiiiight!


Maybe thar'll be 'anudder one' in a day or two?

We shall see.

Oh wow!  Add on edit!  And now we have Russia!


Dayam!  Is it live or is it Memorex?  Or rather, is it accidents, or is it sabotage?