Thursday, June 13, 2013


The specifically say honky gringo crackers are dyin' faster than they are bein' born, though in different words.    And when I read other news reports, Mexican birthrates came to a screeching slowdown a few years ago, and chicks in non-rural areas get more respect than the u.s..  Fred Reed said that, and he lives in Mexico.  In the Middle East, Afghanistan, and other places, crotch droppings are mostly nonviable due to depleted uranium, and I have seen some physically impossible stats for population increases in the so called World Almanac and Book of Fictions, which is a piece of garbage cia front.  I think the population as a whole is dying off from what I read.

Just wish it were happenin' faster so I could get to where I'm goin' faster.  I think I'll get my wish soon, but I have a feeling I'm gonna be one of those movin' off the planet, not that I mind.  Hopefully in one piece, though.  After all I am 51, startin' to fall apart, and I don't wanna see the end of my mortal coil held together with duct tape, glue, paper clips and staples.