Thursday, June 13, 2013

Epitaph: The Late, Great United States

After all the u.s. has visited on everyone else, what else can the u.s. expect?  It's gotta catch up some time.  Have fun when it happens, y'all.  I'm not at all bothered by the concept.  Seem like the u.s. gubment is deliberately bringing this upon this Hellhole of a nation, with expectations of taking themselves and theirs into underground bunkers or something.  The useful idiots of the banking industry.  Thing is, a lot of things are not going to go according to plan.  Being on the wrong side of history is NOT the way to earn favours from Source.  That is something that needs to be CLEANED UP.  Just ask the tayyipster in a week or so, IF he's even still in this realm.


I think a ton o' turkish shooters of caged gerbils are also gonna get taken out real fast, and that might be a clue for the rest of the world.  Man, speaking of STUPID!

At least some of the dumbest will be wiped from the gene pool after it happens.  And perhaps their crotch droppings should be hunted down and turned into goulash to clean the place up of defective brain cells spreading even more.  And they might make good eatin', so hey?