Saturday, June 15, 2013

Holy Fukushima – Radiation From Japan Is Already Killing North Americans

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.  I live in calipornia, I hate life, this is a technically legal way to get outta here, so this makes my day.  Of course I won't know what hit me since I don't go to doctors.

Oh, yes I will.  Symptoms, research. . .I could even fix myself. . .but I WON'T.  Again, I'm a holistic practitioner, and I'm good with diagnosis and cures.  Must cut down on turmeric!  Damn, but I don't eat red meat, and I do very little seafood.  I'll work more on those veggies and fruits.  Maybe I should become a milk drinker again?  Nahhhhhhh.  Hopefully my cream and half and half will do the job.  I'm also a cheese and butter nut, but my butter is Irish, and my cheese comes from back East or Europe, so blah.