The biggest favour the human race could do itself is to let itself die out. Apparently a lot of people agree with me.
Now what's the suicide rate of the day? And for those of you who have crotch droppings, are you sure it was such a wise idea to let the little shites come to term as opposed to aborting them? Well, you're gonna have a lot of fun with those worse than worthless liabilities in tow when everything falls apart completely, won't you?!
Not my problem, though. I also won't ALLOW for it to become my problem. Get that/(those) repulsive damn thing(s) away from me! UNLESS IT'S ROTISSERIED OR SAUTEED, AND ON A PLATE WITH A SIDE OF NEEPS AND TATTIES!
So I was thinking as I sat in the freshly cleaned kitchen on a rainy afternoon, looking out the slightly open, nicely cleaned glass sliding door that leads to the balcony of my potted garden, as I had a candle, and some Ambar incense from India burning, along with enjoying a cup of delicious, creamed Earl Grey tay.
It's too damn warm for this time of year, though!
I could be wrong, but I think we have less than 8 months before all the shoite, I mean shite really hits the fan.