Sunday, November 18, 2012

Flames Engulf 34-story Luxury High-Rise In Dubai

Like it says in WRH, where I found this.  Read the comments!

Cool pictures.  (I don't have a very high opinion of Dubai, UAE, whatever.  It's a tenth of a step above Saudi Arabia. . .on a good day.  I speak for the government, and abusive corporate owners/investors and much of the so called aristocracy; not the people as a whole.  They treat the builders of these places like garbage.  A lot of them also treat the household help pretty badly.)  Dubai is also one of the unnatural disasters of the world.  Not quite as bad as Fukushima, the BP oil spill that never went away from the start, and the Corne Bayou explosion that's gonna happen whenever, but hey!  It's up there.