Friday, October 2, 2015

Looks Like Someone (Me) Could Use A Little More Help

In advertising.

Ifn ye're Irish, Greek, into mythology, insanity, phantasy, humour, and into the world's 'lowest common denominator', check it out.  The alleged autobiography of a neurotic, artsy, intellectual, whacked Irish death god who didn't know what the Hell he wanted, how he became one, and his evolution to something a little more grounded.  The 'black sheep' of the Tuatha de Danaan.  The series is not perfect, but it's entertaining, non-profit, and like HELL I'M GONNA EDIT IT!!!!!!!  (Something I'm authorised to do, but I don't theenk so.)

It's privately subtitled 'Fruits and Nuts', and the real author is NOTHING LIKE WAS WRITTEN ABOUT!  But of course you know that, right?  Even in the intro, it is said that it is a work of FICTION!  Though a few things here and there were based on fact.  Gotta get your inspiration somewhere.

Tá fáilte romhat!