What would Africa be like if the damn honkey gringo cracker never set foot there? Probably 90% less messed up. Oh, they'd still be having their tribal skirmishes, but the place would probably be a lot cleaner, the quagga would still be with us, and a lot fewer animals would be on the endangered list.
Looks like a great place to drop off most of our politicians, other (mostly European) heads of state, pharma heads, oil company heads, psycho cops and soldiers, etc. . . Drop 'em off nekkid with no weapons.
Man, the natives can have all these awesome feasts, though the white meat should probably be cooked, if not detoxed for a month before eating.
This is pretty shocking, and pretty sad. This is what 'civilisation' did to these people. And it's also a compelling watch with a sometimes entertaining narrative. In part, it's a tale of redemption. It's a good video to watch.
Hmmmmmm. And considering their dietary habits, should I move there?
Uh, no!