Friday, August 17, 2012

Pointless Post Not Worth Reading----Oh, Or Maybe It Is. I Dunno.

Sitting here on a cool August morn' in the Bay Area with the heater going, and a cup of Pu-Erh brewing in the kitchen.  It's August 17,  there have been definitely 19 (Maybe 20, but I doubt it.  AccuWeather does NOT final list the highs as I see them when I check them throughout the day, and one of those days is questionable, so I think it's 19.) days so far this year over 80° F., and only one of those days was over 90°, by one degree.  This might be a year without summer, not that I'll be one to argue.  It's overcast, I have all the lights out, the windows are blinded, and the only real source of light is coming through the kitchen sliding glass door that goes out onto the balcony.  It feels real twilighty, way earlier in the year than usual.  I generally get the vague feeling the year is coming to a close the second half of August, but never this strongly.  According to the u.s. temperature map, things look like they're also finally beginning to cool across the country, and we are getting rain in strange places for this time of the year.  A storm a little south east of us now?  Wish it were here, but oh well.

It's been a nice year, despite being only barely employed, working and doing my best for the 'opposition' which I know won't be around much longer; thank the gods.  I hate the way life forces you to compromise yourself to get from point A to point B, but I guess that's what I signed up for.  At least it's not a slaughterhouse, animal testing place, or anything like that.  I'd rather kill myself.  I wouldn't be surprised if the suicide rate for slaughterhouse workers is kind of high.  How can you stand to live with yourself, inflicting all that pain and devastation on innocent animals day after day after day and still feel good about yourself.  Not that I know for sure.  I may research that later.

OK, it's later.  My conjecture was right.

Check out the links, too.

It's been a nice, low stress year with a bunch of discretionary time, knowing I'm done with all the important stuff I had to do, and now I just wait where the road takes me.  I also know I'm gonna hit some crossroads in the next 6 to 10 weeks, and a major decision will be upon me.  I may abandon this blog as part of the deal, but we shall see.  You got the most important thing here anyway, and it's not this blog.  It's this site:

I can't promote it enough.  Again, it has all the links to all the worthwhile alternative news sources, and if you find the sites most relevant to what you want and keep those open on your browser all day, you don't need this. is the absolute best, me thinks.  They update the fastest.  Then,, and I read Les Visible every day.  He has links too, but he doesn't do it like me.

Now I think I'll have my tay.  Or should I say 'tea'?