Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Peronal Rant

So much good news, but at the same time I'm watching that pot; waiting for the water to boil.  It's driving me NUTS!  The entropy is accelerating, and the status quo is falling apart.  At the same time, things are getting so much worse in the final stages.

You DO know Scalia was assassinated, don't you?  I think he was a real piece of shite, but his cohorts are worse.

Step by step, inch by inch. . .

Patience has NEVER been one of my strong points.  Circling the drain whilst waiting to be taken out is NOT one of my favourite activities.

Waiting for a phone call or email that never comes isn't either.

Gods, what is right with this world, right now?

Well, the end of what is; is in sight.  Or should I say 'almost' in sight?  I suppose that's all right.