Monday, December 1, 2014

They Did it Again! The Ferguson Shooting Is A Psy-Op: No One Died;read=5152

No idea if this is for real, but it wouldn't surprise me.  Keep tabs on the story for the next few weeks, huh?

Could be.

More on this:

Exposed! Top Occupy Organizer Trained Ferguson Protesters to Cause Chaos!Read more at

This is NOT good.


I think this is another attempt at a racial divide.  Ya know, it doesn't make me hate blacks.  In fact, PAINT ME BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND FROM WHAT I SEE WITH THE PROTSTS ALL VER THE PLACE, I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS SO!!!!!!!!

Isn't it way past due to START TREATING BLACKS LIKE PEOPLE???????  THE TWO BEST SYSTEMS ANALYSTS I KNEW WERE BLACK, AND ONE OF THEM TURNED ME INTO THE BEST FINANCIAL MAINFRAME OPERATOR THE COMPANY I USED TO WORK FOR HAD IN A COUPLE OF MONTHS, though that was right before I had to transfer out of the department to lettershop; unless I wanted to move to Dallas.  I was sent to Dallas to train the new staff, considering operations were being moved there.

Uh, NO!