Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Personal Rant

Sophia, I will fight for you; for I have no choice.  The allies you gave me command it, and I agreed to it before I got here.  I now do so willingly, though I am nothing.  Look out for me, and I'll see what I can do.

You told me something in your cryptic way.  Is the time now, or am I still waiting?  If I am still waiting, can we rearrange the road so I do less damage?  I see the error of my ways and changed my mind on what I wanted, regarding a certain vengeance over something that should not be.

What I once thought the way, was the wrong road.  The road to stagnation. . .perdition. . .devolution. . .another round on The Wheel In The Sky.

Gods, I'm such a half-breed!!!!!!!  I'm working on it, though.  Sorta.  Considering a part of me has walked away.
