Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Personal Rant

Who are you that named me?

Who are you that implied my world is going to be turned downside up in the next eight months, lady?

I walk two worlds.

You and the other remind me many times a day how close you are.

You also remind me I am not in control of my destiny.

You are.

You chained me.

When will you unlock the key?

Will it be in eight months or less?

Will you unlock me, or give me a longer leash?

I can break the chain. . .for a price that I'm not sure I want to pay.

Though I may change my mind.

Some times I feel so reptilian.

Still, what I think and what I do aren't the same.

I act like how I should, despite mine resentments.

When can I stop serving what I hold in contempt?