Thursday, November 27, 2014


If working for someone else:

Work schedule: 4 shifts a day, 6 hour shifts.
1 set works 4 days a week.
1 set works 3 days a week.
4 days a week get 3 days off for every Pagan holiday, except Yule, where they get 6 days off.
3 days a week have to work the Pagan holidays.


If working for self, do what you want.

Agriculture/Crafts/Enviro-Friendly Technician based, towns self sufficient.  No mass monocultures.  No rent, no money, communal, static population desired, 3 crotch dropping limit to any individual, and any crotch dropping after 3 or any biological accident that is not wanted by both parents goes to the stew pot, electricity and running water via free energy, only TRUE history taught in schools, NOT indoctrination centres.  All households will have a minimum of 2 acres, food gardens and orchards encouraged.

No animals farmed for slaughter.  Vegetarianism encouraged but not mandatory.  Egg and dairy all right, if the animals are too old and in pain, they may be euthanised and eaten or fed to the carnivours who have to hunt their own, though may be subsidised with eggs, dairy, or what is hunted.  No pasteurisation, all produce organic.  Hunting allowed for what is needed, and all parts of animal MUST be used.  Animals will be treated with respect.  If you don't plan to eat it, don't kill it unless in self-defence.  Natural drugs legal, psychic expansion encouraged.  Psychopaths will be marked and exiled.  If they cause problems for any town, the marked ones will be thrown into the stew pot.  

If it's not necessary, it will not be manufactured.  Creativity and independent thought encouraged.

All are of equal status.  No imposing one's will upon another.  No binding contracts between individuals.  Stay with those you like, and leave those you don't.