Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Just Finished Looking At A Google Maps Of Calipornia

Depressing.  So WRECKED!  And people want more people?  Oh, there's plenty of room!  We're not overpopulated!  Tell it to me when I'm trying to get home in traffic.  Tell it to the favelas.  Tell it to the slum dwellers of China, India, and everywhere else.  Tell it to those who can't escape London, Mexico City, Athens, Los Angeles, Bangkok. . .

I remember when I could walk for miles without seeing anyone FROM MY OWN BACKYARD!  Forests!  New Jersey, North Carolina. . .too bad I had to live with the dipshits I had to live with, though.  At least I had an escape!  I also got to walk in miles and miles of olive groves, when the bramble berries were in season.  I also got to go up a mountain where there was an ancient graveyard, and sheep were kept penned into the newer part of the graveyard.


But the decision of when ain't mine!