Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Personal Rant

I miss the night.  Happiness is sitting at the compooter at 2:00 AM with a cup of creamed Lapsang Souchong, and watching the world go down in your political research with no intrinsic sense of obligation to ANYTHING but your own evolution.

I feel like I'm walking down a long empty road with nothing in sight, but with any step now I will see the entrance to another world.  That won't be long if SHE told me the truth.  Whoever SHE of the Otherworld, is.   The one who named me so long ago.  The one who tells me things so rarely.  Th one who recently gave me a number.  A very precious number.

Or maybe a better analogy would be I'm on the verge of seeing the tip of a very tall tower somewhere out at sea.  And I'm in a feckin' rowboat.