Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saddam Hussein – The Trial You Will Never See - US Killed 1 Million Iraqi Children And Madeline Albright Says It Was Worth It

Oh man, why couldn't it have been my town, and all towns adjacent to it?  It would be soooooo much quieter, and I wouldn't have to deal with all the sidewalk cloggers when school's out, and there would be sooooooooo much less traffic of breeders taking their infernal crotch drippings. . .uh, droppings to school.

Man, the other day one from two doors down actually said 'hi' to me, and I had to waste 3 seconds or so responding with a wave and such.  HOW DARE ANYONE HIJACK MY TIME LIKE THAT?!!!!

Now am I being sarcastic?  That's for me to know, and you to never find out.