Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mega-Bank’s Plan To Steal Your Money And Blame Fake Muslim Cyber Attack

And perhaps establish greater net control?

Ya know, this is really a very Unislamic thing to do.  The religion doesn't jive with me except for as a thing to study (along with conventional Christianity, and Judaism.  Cathar is the closest thing I can identify with as far as so called 'Christianity' goes, but it's NOT the same animal as what you find in church.  And there, I'm not a very good one.  I like my eggs and dairy, and still eat chicken and some sea food, which I read they did eat; but I wonder.  I'm also NOT very nice at all.), but come on!  They would consider it 'haram' to mess with the banking system.  Iran is the LAST country that would do this.  They have a thing called HONOUR.  Something the u.s., u.k., israel and vatican city are completely devoid of.

And how many times on this blog have I told ya to get out of the banking system, especially the big 'uns?  And did ya?

Nooooooooo?!  Oh well.

Not my problem.