Saturday, March 21, 2020


Warning - This Pod Contains Some Choice Language....
I saw something yesterday that ran a bit of a shiver down my spine.
A news ticker tape with a dire announcement by Queen Liz then a similar warning by the Bank of England. Now there's another rare event.
Not the Queen of England offering condolences to victims of a disaster... But offering them before a disaster happens.
She said.... The UK and the World is entering a time of uncertainty.
Shortly after the Bank of England cut 0.01% and made a similar announcement and warned the Brits to expect a 'Sharp Shock'.
Pubs, restaurants and other entertainment venues have been asked to close. I think those that don't will be forced to before next week out.
Therefore, I'm expecting a 'mass self isolation' exercise to be put in operation in the UK very soon.
All the big concert venues and sporting events are cancelling and now it looks like the Olympics will be the next victim.
But if the machine and governments stay fast to their Predicted 3 Month timeline... then we are entering what seems like a different realm of reality to the masses.

Note: Levi has a subscription service, which is real cheap. You have to subscribe to get his 'weekly' podcasts, and I'm still waiting to access what we paid for. There's a glitch and I can't get it yet. I'll give a head's up when the 'web guy' comes through, for those interested in subscribing.