Ok. Seasonal winter is over. Four days long. Too bad summer couldn't be like that. Nice to have the rain back, even if it is radioactive.
Gotta go through Hell to get to Heaven. There ain't no Heaven or Hell. There's different places, some bad, some good, but you are as mobile as you want to be. I can go anywhere and everywhere because I know I can, and from now on I think I'll avoid the worst of the worst. Been there, done that, don't need it anymore.
Everything is coming together. I'm so ecstatic now, I'm surprised I don't spontaneously combust or explode or something. I think the light at the end of that tunnel finally grew just s smidgeon. It's been there for years, but it's been 'steady as she goes'. It's like I hit a 'stuck' point in the labyrinth of life. Now I'm finally moving forward again.
I'm out of semi-retirement to barely being able to help just a wee via something I can barely handle. No, I'm not a coal minor; but still. . .being on the run all night shlepping loads after so many years of being a web-spud, and getting fried by scalding water isn't my idea of fun, but I wouldn't have it any other way right now.
Wonder if any stock markets are gonna get shut down before closing time to keep the crash at bay? Well, I've got a few hours to find out, and now I've got errands to run.