Works for me. But even if you have a lot of cash on hand, the whole system will implode and it doesn't matter. You might last a little longer, but you'll face the same fate as everyone else. If you survive, you will rebuild. If not, then you won't. You'll be in the next realm to either move on or be a complete neep-noddle idiot and get recycled again. . .not necessarily to the future. After all, there is no time.
But for the sake of making the banks more miserable and killing them faster, maybe it might be a good idea to at least switch to a credit union. After all, it's stupid for most of us to keep a bunch of cash at home. If the criminals don't getcha, the caged gerbil shooters will mark ya fer civil asset forfeiture.
What a minute! The caged gerbil shooters are the biggest criminals of all.
Never mind.