Saturday, December 12, 2015

Shattering The Illusion Of Authority

We either need another Bastille Day, or a day where no one leaves their abode for a day or two and shuts everything down!

The second one is easier and won't get anyone killed, so that's not gonna happen.

Of course those who want to keep the unsustainable system going are dumber than a vacuum, and will eventually pay the price for their stupidity.  I think they know this. . .if not consciously, then subconsciously. . .and with that comes an underlying fear.

Yes, you are DOOMED; you worthless cancers of everything that is.  And I'm probably going to enjoy your ultimate downfall way more than I should.

I know I should take it all with detachment, but considering what I've been through; that's a bit much to ask, I'd say.