Monday, December 21, 2015

Personal Rant

One winter day forecast for the season, and they might change their minds on crackuweather.  We shall see.  Oil was going for almost under $34.00 a barrel today.  I also got conflicting information regarding my timeline from the past, but it's OK.  I have a date to countdown to.  Beltaine of 2016.  Think I know what it means, but I can't be sure.  After all, for most of us; life is but speculation.

Not all of us.  I know someone with an Akashic Library Card, but we are NOT on terms where I can just ask.  He'll tell things he feels like telling, that he's allowed to tell.  On the other hand, things might not matter.  Again, The Veil doth thin.  I can go on salvia trips without the salvia.  (The visions were nice, but I couldn't stand the side effects.  I itched all over, not to mention it tastes like CRAP!  Only did it a handful of times, and it is legal where I live,  Cheap, too.  Used to get it at a store 3/4 of a mile from where we live, but it closed.)  That, and in less than four and a half months my life is gonna be turned downside up.  Either my mortal coil will have been shuffled off, or I'll have one of the weirdest jobs on the planet.  I don't know that yet.  I probably won't know until it happens.  Whatever it is, it's what I signed up for.  And I can't imagine having signed up for more pain and garbage this late in the game.  My earlier years had enough of that to last a lifetime.  On the other hand, perhaps what I saw means WW III will officially be here.  It is here now, though not so recognised.  We're just waiting for our Gavrilo Princip moment to 'sanctify' it.  I'm sure the u.. will be only too happy to deliver, and then blame it on someone else.  Or try to, anyway.  I don't think they'll succeedd.

All I can say, is I'm glad all this crap is coming to a close.  I'm sure of that.  An it's not gonna be like the day after is gonna be Eden all over again.  Probably more like bombed out moonscape.

For you twits who actually volunteered to rebuild, enjoy.  You got quite a job ahead of you.  And for how long will that last before it goes down the drain again, like it always does.

After I move on, I want NOTHING to do with this shoite-pile again; EVER!  There's other worlds, with much better individuals inhabiting them.  Why spend time in this quarantined cesspool, which is about as low as you can get after its use is over?

Now why did it take so many lives to come to this conclusion?!  Besides the fact I was a total retard every time I made the decision to come back.

The price of ego.


Speaking of ego.  You!  The threat!  DO YOU HAVE THE BACKING OF YOUR TRIBE?!  YOUR PEOPLE?

And how history did repeat itself in some ways.  Your own history, though this time you got a third hit; and it looks like you knocked it out of the stadium.  We shall see.