Friday, November 27, 2015

Personal Rant

So much bad news, but the good news is getting through.  The wrong side of history is doing and Ouroboros, and I take great pleasure in watching it. Mr. Apocalypse is going all out, as Les Visible would say.


I've been misled so much.  I used to believe all the lies.  Now I find those I couldn't stand in the past were really heroes, and the other way around.


Cold, so cold; such nice sweet cold.  The heater just turned on.  My flat mate should be home in about 10 minutes.  I'll put some tay on for it in 5 minutes.  It should be hot, steeped, and ready for half and half.  Poor thing's got to walk a block and a half in it to get home, after waiting in it for the bus to arrive at the transfer station.

Wish we had more cream.  The truck was late at Trader Joe's, and they only had one pint of cream left, and I had to get extra half and half to compensate.  Hopefully next trip will be better.
