Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Planned Parenthood Is Population Control for Blacks, Says Ben Carson


Give me a break!  I'm a bloody honky-gringo-cracker, and PP helped get me sterilised when I was 19. Thank the gods, considering how much I hate crotch droppings (unless they're on a plate, properly cooked and seasoned), and how I think everything about breeding is about as repulsive as you can get.

And the parts they sold were of dead crotch droppings.  The parts were NOT needed by the empty corpse.  In fact, I wonder if a pre-born brat even has a soul.  Some think not.  Some think souls just have dibs on the body for future habitation.  I can't remember, but considering how life is today; I can't help but wonder if aborting anyone is the humane thing to do.  On the other hand, I've hated live since I was six and a half, so. . .

I will NEVER turn against PP, and I read Maggie Sanger's biography.  I like her.  She helped a lot of people out of the 'breeder cow' fate.  NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED TO HAVE A PORCH MONKEY THEY DON'T WANT!

Gods, I'd rather have a kidney pie with blood pudding; myself.  That's a lot less icky.