Saturday, August 22, 2015

Personal Rant

Shucks!  Tesla fire is almost contained, and it was never a threat to the Livermore Lab.  Bakersfield has also not been on the Radcon map in forever, and it was noted for super high radiation counts.  And I can't find any recent news reports on it.  Me thinks Bakersfield is TOAST!  Disgusting place, anyway.

Going NUTS waiting for Monday.  Stock futures are down but the collapse is being reined in so the market doesn't disappear over the course of the day, oil is controlled, and it really looks like the last real company I worked for that coerced me into 'getting laid off' is getting reamed.  Good!  It's down about 23 points from its high, and sinking not fast enough for my taste.

Getting some conflicting information from different sources.  Maybe I ought to just see what I can find on my own.  We shall see.