Sunday, May 10, 2015


the shootings of the caged gerbil shooters was kind of rare in the past.  It's gonna become far more ubiquitous, and they're gonna become far more hostile, and consequences shall be paid.  I'd think twice about getting into this profession, though from a past post; it seems like people already are.  In that post, it says fewer want to become caged gerbil shooters.

Too bad they were killed.  Death is way too good for 'em, considering what I know.

A Joe Bonham ending is more like it in my book.  Or 'The Brain That Wouldn't Die' in a pink room with no one to talk to.

What better a fate for a chihuahua, squirrel spraying, grandma tasing, psychopathic, mercenary extortionist who beats up small children, and goes on urban safaris baggin' the elusive jungle bunny?

Though statistically, more honkey gringo crackers are shot, they don't make the front page so much.  Suppose they're not so much of a challenge.

I wonder how much longer before the gerbil shooters are sniped in any number.  After all, ir a person gets pissed enough, they don't give a flyin' shoite aboot consequences.  The sniper will be caught, but how many caged gerbil shooters can be taken out first in the 'sitting duck' protest cases where they're all standing in lines?  Wonder if they'll post the picture of the face behind the shield that just got Hell knows what kind of bullet through it.

Oh, that reminds me.  Haven't gone to '' in a while.

Excuse me, but guess where I'm goin'!
