Saturday, May 2, 2015

Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide Of Nazi Germany

Glad I missed it.  To bad my direct schlongless antecedent missed too much of it.  Or maybe she didn't?  I never knew to ask.  Would I forgive her if I knew she'd been such a bitch because of something that happened to her after the war?

I dunno.  The cunt did influence me to make a very bad decision that will be with me until the day I die.   And a movie I watched yesterday brought that decision back to the surface.  "A Separate Peace".  Ya know, from that John Knowels novel?  Not that I injured anyone like what Gene did to Finny, but. . .I did the psychological equivalent to someone who was almost too good to be true; due to some instilled biases that I shouldn't have had.

It'll all work out now, though.  I'm not gonna un-exile her from my life and ask.  I hate her too much for that.  Anyway, I'll find out soon enough without having to ask, not that she'd even necessarily tell me.  And we might end up being best buds on the Otherside after we relearn what everything was about, here.

Being realistic.  Perspectives are different.  If you are in the right headspace, there are many things you just don't take with you.  In reality, memories is all you should take with you.

On the other hand, with my obsessions; I might not want anything to do with anyone who was like what I am now.  No clue.  I'm not there yet.

Spread the above link, huh?  Not enough people know.  I used to hate my ancestry before I knew.