Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Choosing Life


And I contribute to this, for I still eat cheese, butter, use cream. . .

If I had cows, they'd be milked, but the milk would be shared with the calf.  How much would be there for us?   A quart a day?  A half gallon?  It's enough.  Wouldn't kill 'em until they were old and arthritic, and they had a hard time moving.  Haven't thought of how they'd be killed.  I'd try to find a humane way, and their carcass would feed the carnivours that lived on the land.

Might eat out in a couple of weeks.  Think I'll skip the chicken.  Had over quota this year, when I bought some for guests.  They didn't eat that much, and it was too much for the cats, my flat mate is vegetarian, so I ate it.  I'm open to eating more in the future, but that doesn't mean I will.

I like chickens.  Alive.  They're nice if you treat 'em right.  And I wouldn't kill the roosters.  They're good for feather art during molting season, and they'd be considered 'pets' to spoil.

I do buy chicken and turkey for the cats, though.  The highest grade, minimally processed cold cuts.  That would be Trader Joe's.  They love it.