Sunday, July 21, 2013

Look At My Posts! WHY ARE YOU STILL BREEDING???????!!!!!!!!!!!

Personal irresponsibility?  Tradition?  No mind of your own?  You just gotta keep the status quo going?  You just have to go out of the way to keep the system going at your own expense?  You just have to keep the misery going?  Sheer stupidity?

Well have fun knowing you're responsible for the abject conditions another soul is going to go through in this mess, huh?  Toxic vaccines, starvation, miserable health due to the chemtrails, smart metres, GMOs wifi, toxic water, Fukushima radiation, BP contaminated seafood, stupid politicians that are trying to turn the world into Zimbabwe, and the list goes on.

Are you happy living in a world like this?  Would YOU want to be born now?  So you bring more into it, not only to give the worthless parasite a miserable set of living conditions, but to add even more stress to your own already deplorable state of affairs.

Yup!  That's the collective human race for you.  The foresight of a decaying cabbage, and the intelligence of the same.