Saturday, October 6, 2012

Dark Hearts Not On The Mend---------Les Visible

So, what side are you on?  Are you happy with that side?  Do you realise one of those sides is going to fall into the abyss of perdition?

Never too late to change the road you're on.

What side am I on?  Well, I'm doing this damn blog for ya despite the fact I wish I'd never have to look at one of ya again for the rest of eternity/

I belong to the Earth and the animals.  I reject my collective species, but I do all I can to inconvenience that collective species as little as possible, and I believe that exploiting anyone in the slightest, or forcing your will on another is WRONG.  If you don't agree with someone, walk away and don't come back.  Leave them to their lives and beliefs as long as they don't interfere with you.  If they do interfere with you, tell them to go away.  If they don't go away, cook them, and have them for lunch!

Now excuse me whilst I go and clean the conventional oven.

(By the way, are you checking out what Les Visible had to say that day, provided he put up a post; which is generally the case?  And again. . .if not, WHY NOT?????!!!!!!!!!!  What kinda NEEP NODDLE are ya?)