Friday, October 19, 2012

Top 10 Most Influential Whistleblowers

Me thinks these are some of the coolest people on the planet.  Exceptions to the 'I HATE YOU ALL' collective.  There's even one I'd come out of my cave to meet, if I could.  Sibel Edmonds.  She's one of my uber majorest, utmostest heroes.

Goin' Georgie Bush on y'all heah.  Might do it again here and there.

Boy, could that man slaughter the English language, or could that man slaughter the English language?

AT LEAST I GO OUT OF MY WAY TO DO IT, HUH?  IT AIN'T NATURAL!  Well, or it didn't used to be natural until I decided to become as derisive as possible at every given opportunity.  After all, that's what Arseholes to the 33rd Degree are SUPPOSED  to do!