Friday, October 19, 2012

“Get A Job” ------- Notes From An Off Grid Survivalist Type

More like disconnect from everything and 'Get Your Freedom Back'!  The u.s. gubment's worst nightmare.  Well, I don't really NEED da gubment anymore, either. . .because of what I KNOW!!!!!!!!!!

Also, what job?  It's been years for me since my last job interview.  I got ignored by everything I was qualifried for until this week.  I got ignored by K-MART, DAMMIT!!!!!!!  For a warehouse position!

Too old?  Too much time between now and my last full time job?  WELL IF THERE HAD BEEN JOBS AVAILABLE IN MY FIELD THAT WASN'T A MILLION MILES/KILOMETRES AWAY, I WOULD HAVE ONE ALREADY; ALL RIGHT?  AND IT'S NOT LIKE I'M DOING NOTHING.  I WAS UNDER CONTRACT AS A WRITER FOR A WHILE, though that didn't pan out quite as originally intended since my former publisher killed the company before the first volume was even properly refined, AND WHEN I DON'T WORK FULL TIME I ACTUALLY CLEAN THE FLAT AND COOK ONCE IN A WHILE FOR ME AND THE ONE WHO IS KEEPING ME!!!!!!!!!!!  I do have the better part of the bargain, but hey!  It was the other way around for most of our lives together.  So I got to be da bitch for a few years.

Oh, and cats are work.  Trust me.  Especially when you have a co-dependent dictator who wants to be spoon-fed, and orders you to clean the litter box the minute he's done using it.

Hopefully that changes next week.  ;^)