But in a good way.
An Old Chicago Slaughterhouse Transformed Into A Futuristic Vertical Farm
I wish they didn't have to farm fish, but tilapia is one of the cats' staples, so. (I personally don't like it unless it's cooked by East Indians or Fijians, not that I eat it anymore.) I hope the fish are raised under really nice, comfortable, ideal circumstances. No overcrowding, and all. The pictures are nice, but I hope it stays that way.
Now THIS is what I want to see for the future.
Volunteers, huh? Wwoof-like? Looks like there is hope for the future, one step at a time. I'd rather work in a place like this than all I have done in the past. . .for. . .um. . .pay. I've done a lot of non-profit stuff that I lost a lot of sleep over and is my legacy, but I enjoyed doing that. Well, part of it was legally contracted for a while, but that fell apart, thank the gods. I couldn't stand what one of my co-workers at the time, was doing with the project, I got defiant, uncooperative, and it all fell apart. Myself and that former co-worker are on good terms now, though.
It's all on-line, a few of my contacts know what it is, but I think I won't post the link to it on this blog. I did contemplate it in a former post, but now. . .uh-uh. If anyone needs it, they'll find it.